
Thank you all for sharing in the lives of our three amazing children- Mairead, Jack, and Ben. We hope you visit often!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Walk the Walk!

After taking a few steps for the first time last week, Ben is full-on walking! He sort of does a side-step thing and it's really cute!

He looks so funny because he just seems too small to be walking, but there he goes!


The Plateniks said...

we love it! We've all watched the walk like 10 times here. So cute!

Joseph "Connor" said...

THAT is hysterical! Sideways walking. LOVE it. YAY BEN!!!

katiec said...

I love this- watched it over and over. My favorite is when he throws the paper at the beginning!

Michael's Loving Family said...

That is soooooooo cute!! hahahahaha
I just love it! I wonder how they figure this stuff out. too funny