Her favorite part, though, was just playing with the containers. She had fun stacking them and arranging them, and cared more about that than she did about the actual Play-Doh inside. At least it was something new that kept us busy for a little while!
As for her brothers, they seem to be doing very well. I am 34 weeks today, which is a huge milestone for twin moms. Babies born at 34 weeks may need a little help with breathing and eating at first, but their long term prognosis is as good as any full term baby, so we are breathing easier about that. Ideally, I'd like to get to 36 weeks, which really isn't that far away!
Yesterday at my weekly non-stress test, I was apparently having some contractions. I didn't feel them at all, so they weren't that serious, but the nurses were a little concerned. Then, today when I had my regular appointment, my blood pressure was a little high, and I had to admit that I have been feeling a little 'off' the past few days. So, they sent me to Labor and Delivery for another non-stress test and for a few other tests. Everything looked great. No pre-eclampsia, no 'productive' contractions, and bloodwork that was all good. They also did a test called 'fetal-fibronectin' (I have had one every 2 weeks since 28 weeks) that assesses the risk of pre-term labor, and that was also negative. So we should make the 36 week mark!
I do have a c-section scheduled for Wednesday, March 25 so we know that they will be here no later than about 1:30 on that day. It's funny that they scheduled me on that day because one of our boys will be named Jack, and March 25 was my uncle, Jack's, birthday-- some things just seem to happen for a reason!
To be honest, I sort of selfishly hope they are born before that because I am getting pretty tired of being pregnant and of going to the doctor 2-3 times a week. But, I also know that taking care of them is easier now than it will be when they are real live babies who need to be fed every two hours!
Here's today's picture- you can see that I have gotten bigger in the past two weeks. We have an ultrasound on March 4, so I will be very curious to see what they weigh. I am hoping for 5 lbs each, but we'll see!