It's hard to believe that another year has passed already. We have enjoyed so much happiness this year and we are excited for what 2009 will bring. Mairead is so much fun and it is amazing to see how she has changed in the past twelve months. You can see from the slideshow that she has grown up so much!
If it's possible, I think I love her just a little bit more every day. Last night, I went into her room to put the covers back on her, and when I came back into our room, I said to Dave, "I just love her so much." I am overwhelmed with love and joy when I look at her, and that will never get old.
We, of course, are anxious about all the changes our little family can expect in 2009; mostly, we are concerned with how our little girl will like being a big sister. We hope that she adjusts well, and we are thankful to have so many people around who will help us all with such a huge transition. I admit that I am more than a little worried that Mairead won't like the babies, or that she will be upset with me for having to 'share' her Mom, Daddy, and everyone else. I know she won't ever remember the boys NOT being here, but I just hope she always knows how special she is to us.
Every day, she does something new and adorable. Right now, she is enthralled with a coloring book that Ms. Pat from daycare gave to her. She doesn't use it to color, she just carries it around, and she gets upset when she can't find it. The other thing she likes to carry around is a magnet with a picture of herself on it. She even took it with her for her nap today! I suppose that is better than the empty coke bottle she took to bed with her last week.
She is talking more all the time with her newest words being "night night" and "tweet tweet." My mom gave her a little stuffed bird for Christmas and she LOVES it. She says, "tweet tweet" and then she throws it. Picks it up, and repeats the process. Well, birds are supposed to fly, right? I'll try to get some video of it- it is too funny!
Thanks to everyone who checks in on the blog and who shares our life and our little girl with us. She is the most amazing thing to ever happen to us, and we are so thrilled and so lucky to be expecting two more little miracles in 2009. We truly are blessed with everything and everyone we have in our lives. Happy New Year to all of you- best wishes for a happy and healthy 2009!