
Thank you all for sharing in the lives of our three amazing children- Mairead, Jack, and Ben. We hope you visit often!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jack and Ben's Baptism

On Sunday, Jack David Hickok and Benjamin Brian Hickok were baptized at the Immaculat Conception Church, where Dave and I were married. Father Sannella performed the ceremony as he did Mairead's baptism and our wedding. When I called him to schedule the christening, he asked, "Didn't we just do one of those?" I told him we had boys this time and he said, "well, one of them should be named Nicholas (his name) by now." He has performed a lot of sacraments for us in the past 2 1/2 years!

Jen and Mike were godparents to Jack, and Katie and Steve were to Ben. Father did a very nice job with the ceremony, and we were so happy that so many of our family members could be there. Thanks to Dave's family for making the trip all the way from New York.

This is the only picture of Mairead in this dress while it was clean. More to follow on that.

Parents and godparents.

NY family

Lowell family

Grandma Dorothy and the boys.

How cute is this coat and hat set? Jen gave it to Mairead the day before the christening- good thing, it just keeps raining here! Mairead LOVED the church. There is a huge aisle you can run up and down, and your voice echos really well in there. She was very good during the ceremony, especially since she had her crayons.

Katie made these adorable (and delicious) cakes for the boys- so cute!

Mairead found this tray of desserts on a coffee table. We didn't say anything to her and just let her sample a few. She was very quiet about it- she was probably wondering when someone was going to tell her not to stick her fingers in the pastries!

The pink stains on her dress are from the piece of sidewalk chalk that she secretly took with her for her nap.

I LOVE this picture of Jen and Jack. Brian did a great job taking all of the pictures- thanks, Brian!

Steve and his godson, Ben.

Ben relaxing before the ceremony.

Jack before the ceremony.

Thanks to everyone who was a part of a special day for our family. I do have more pictures and will post a slideshow on the blog when I have a chance.


Joseph "Connor" said...

They are so adorable!! What a special day!! The hats they had were so much cuter than the one Connor had- his was like a bonnet! I didn't even put him in it. I can't wait to see more pics!

Nicole McLaren said...

The boys are so precious! Congratulations on the baptism. The family is beautiful and blessed.

Michael's Loving Family said...

I love the new picture in the header and the background. The boys are too cute and those white hats are sweet. Mairead looks so grown up but taking the pink chalk to sleep is priceless! Congrats!

John and Michelle said...

The pictures are beautiful. The boys are getting so big.