
Thank you all for sharing in the lives of our three amazing children- Mairead, Jack, and Ben. We hope you visit often!

Monday, April 6, 2009

A Month Old Already???

First, let me admit that I am having 'mommy guilt' about using a picture of the boys as the header for the blog since I am replacing Mairead as the solo star of the show. I need to get more pictures of all three together.

How did they get to be a month old? March was a very long month for us since we spent most of it at South Shore Hospital, and now all of a sudden, the boys are a month old today! I almost feel like the NICU time didn't 'count,' and that they are really only a week or so old, especially since I have only had two at home for about 5 days. My due date is not actually until Wednesday, so they are really about -2 days old.

Visiting Nurse was just here to check on the boys and they look great. Big Ben is 7lbs 8oz, and Jack is right behind him at 7lbs 4oz, though he looks and feels smaller than that. They are both gaining weight very well, and we are very happy with their health right now.

We had a great weekend- especially with our visit from Ry, Dave, and Rachael. I will post pictures of our day together when I have a free minute!


Joseph "Connor" said...

They look so big in that picture! What a great day - to be a month old on opening day! We hope you enjoy it!

Caitlin, Al, and Brielle said...

I love the new header picture! They both seem to be growing fast!